Who can use the pantry?
The Personal Essentials Pantry offers the essentials of personal and household hygiene to all individuals and families in need. The services are free; you don’t have to be registered with any agency; there’s no huge pile of paperwork to be filled out. If you are at or below the federally-approved DCFS income limits, you’re eligible for help from the Pantry.
You’re welcome whether you’re a single adult or a household of adults or a household with kids.
What items are available?
Because our inventory is computer-managed, you may visit whenever you need, as often as you need, as many times as you need. (This doesn’t mean that you can get every product you want every time you come; but you should be able to get every product as often as it’s needed: product lifespans are adjusted for family size and normal product use.)
We can’t always guarantee that we have every item on the shopping list, but we try to have:
- toilet paper
- laundry detergent
- dish soap
- all-purpose cleaner
- deodorant
- toothbrushes &
- toothpaste
- feminine hygiene products
- shampoo &
- conditioner
- body soap
- diapers (partnered with The Village Diaper Bank)
- baby wipes (partnered with The Village Diaper Bank)
What can I expect when I visit the pantry?
- PEP Guests are always treated with dignity and respect. You’ll be welcomed to the pantry by one of our friendly volunteers. Our host will get some basic info from you (like your name and household size).
Please show your ID each time you visit.
- Next, the host will provide you with a shopping list of the items you’re eligible to receive. After you complete the simple shopping list, a volunteer will gather your items from the pantry.
- While you’re waiting for your items to be delivered, talk with others, or simply relax and hang out in our warm and inviting space once we return to pre-pandemic conditions.
- PEP Volunteers are here to help…let them know if you need anything.
In the event of product being picked up by a non-relative, please have a written and signed note from the “absent customer” to give to the PEP check-in volunteer.
The Community
The efforts of PEP wouldn’t be possible if it wasn’t for the help of our powerful community of friends. You’re invited to volunteer your time to help those in need during our distribution days. Ask about the many ways you can help PEP by visiting our volunteer form